Avoid multiple versions with every save (manual versioning)
LexWorkplace Product Team
LexWorkplace Product Team
Merged in a post:
Don't automatically save edited drafts as new versions. Also, allow edits to prior saved versions.
Robert McCormick
LexWorkplace Product Team
Merging this request with the existing one.
Ismael N.
Yes. We have a files used by multiple people every day. We now have hundreds of versions of it. This doesn’t make much sense.
LexWorkplace Product Team
Ismael N.: We definitely acknowledge that "make a new version every edit" isn't suitable for everyone. It IS on our roadmap to make this an optional feature that can be turned off (whereby users will manually make new versions in Lex). In the meantime, you can:
A. Delete any unneeded versions, or:
B. Use the version comments to call out the more meaningful/important versions.
LexWorkplace Product Team
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Paula Gil
Would like only one version of a current document when saved with new changes. Every time document is saved, it saves to a new version.
Patricia L.
Ismael N.
Having just onboarded to LexWorkplace, we just encountered this "annoyance." Coming from Worldox, we are used to creating a new version only ON DEMAND, not with every save. We have multiple Excel spreadsheets that people use all day, every day. One of our users already has 11 versions of a file.
I see from these comments that some people like this feature. We do not. Having the "Save as a new version" ON EVERY SAVE should at least be a feature that can be toggled on and off.
Ideally, hitting SAVE should save over the existing file, and SAVE AS should be the option to create a new version.
This request has been here since 2022, please add it to the pipeline.
LexWorkplace Product Team
under review
LexWorkplace Product Team
Merged in a post:
Version Control
Alexandra J.
A new version should not be created with every save. Save should keep the same version and save as should create a new version.
LexWorkplace Product Team
Thank you for the input Alexandra, this is helpful.
I'm going to merge this with the existing/same Feature Request.
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