Permanently Delete Files
Dana Schultz
Is there a timeline for when this feature request will move from "planned" to "in progress"?
Marc Maloney
When we have a case that is closed out, we would like to be able to delete it permanently from Lex. That way we can simply save our closed-out case on a hard drive, and not have it use up our storage space. The ability to permanently delete is very important and necessary to Law firms.
LexWorkplace Product Team
Merged in a post:
Permanently Delete and Remove Documents From Lex for a Designated Firm Admin
Isabel Blea
The ability to permanently delete and remove documents from Lex by a designated firm administrator is an important feature to have in a law firm that deals with and abundant amount of documents, medical records, and imaging. There have been instances where two people have saved the same large amount of documents produced in discovery in the same matter in different places. This takes up space and is confusing to everyone to have two different places with the same documents. Medical records should be destroyed for the confidentiality of a patients personal information upon completion of a suit or matter. Having a way to permanently delete these items is very important.
LexWorkplace Product Team
Merged in a post:
DELETE rights limited to Admins
Ismael N.
We don't want users with delete rights.
Denise C.
We agree--this would be extremely helpful.
LexWorkplace Product Team
LexWorkplace Product Team
Thank you for the feedback David! Data retention options are definitely on our radar. In the meantime, you can still move items (deleted or otherwise) from the incorrect matter to the correct one.