Search - Boolean Operators, AND, OR, NOT
LexWorkplace Product Team
LexWorkplace Product Team
in progress
Rich Sapien
Good to see this is planned. What is the timeline for this implementation? Boolean operators is a very basic functionality for search functionality.
LexWorkplace Product Team
LexWorkplace Product Team
under review
LexWorkplace Product Team
Thank you all for the feedback. I agree that boolean search (AND/OR) as well as proximity could be useful.
Tim Atler
Proximity searching would be a huge help, too (e.g. word1 w/5 word2 to find results where word1 and word2 are within five words of each other).
Pamela Ramsey
I agree. That would be tremendously helpful in searching.
Gabrielle Holley
And it would be helpful to be able to search within a particular client. Thanks.
LexWorkplace Product Team
Gabrielle Holley: Thank you Gabrielle, this is a good one. You CAN search by matter, but I agree that being able to specify a client (and thereby all matters for that client) would be useful. I'm going to write this up as a separate Feature Request.
It would also be helpful if it could search partial words, for example infring when were looking for infringing or infringement or infringer.
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