View Entire PDF Inline (in App)
LexWorkplace Product Team
(Note that Document Preview functionality is currently in development as of June 2022. The following proposed functionality would be in addition to / apart from this.)
The ability to open PDF documents inline, in the LexWorkplace interface (browser), and the ability to click through and see each page.
This would be as opposed to the current functionality, where PDF files open in your default PDF application (typically Adobe Acrobat), in a separate Window.
LexWorkplace Product Team
Merged in a post:
View-Only PDF When Other Users Have Open
Jennifer Fiore
We would like to be able to have more than one person be able to view the same PDF at the same time, without having to "download a copy" of said PDF.
LexWorkplace Product Team
This is great feedback Jennifer Fiore, thank you. We are actually exploring a feature that would allow you to view PDF files in-line, in the browser (like full text preview BUT - the full/actual PDF). This would effectively accomplish what you're asking (as it would be read-only in that context), and also make the process of viewing a PDF a little smoother.
I'm going to merge this feature request with that open feature request.
Thank you!
LexWorkplace Product Team